This tool will generate the source code of an XML sitemap which you can copy(control-A then control-C) and paste the results to a notepad blank file and save as "sitemap.xml"
This is using Google XML sitemap standard for making custom XML sitemaps.
Enter ALL canonical URLs below(STRICTLY one URL per line).
It is highly recommended to sort the URLs from the most important to least important WHEN YOU ENTER IT in the text area(most important first- e.g your "homepage")
The most important URL will be automatically assigned with priority "1.0" and least priority used is "0.5".Make sure your homepage are entered in the text area first.
Upload your sitemap.xml to the root directory of your domain/sub-domain. For example: or if you are using a sub-domain:
Once it is live in the server root directory, you can safely submit it to your website Google webmaster tools account.

Click here to reset or clear this form
This tool is developed by: PHP Developer. org
Click here to proceed with the analysis'); } else { //explode data and assign it to an array $data = explode("\n", $url); echo ''; //print array elements echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; echo '
'; echo '<urlset xmlns="">'; echo '

'; //computation of priority differences $difference = (-0.5)/((sizeof($data))-1); $priority=1.0; while (($priority>=0.4) && (list($key,$value) = each($data))) { $roundpriority=round($priority,2); echo "<url>"; echo "
"; echo "  <loc>$value</loc>"; echo "
"; echo "  <priority>$roundpriority</priority>"; echo "
"; echo "</url>"; echo "

"; $priority=$priority+$difference; } echo "</urlset>"; } } ?>