Compare data using Statistical T-test below at 95% confidence level.
Copy and paste numerical data for analysis in each of the text area below (one number per line):

DATA1                    DATA2


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Click here to proceed with the analysis'); } else { //explode data and assign it to an array $data1 = explode("\n", $firstsample); $data2 = explode("\n", $secondsample); //////////////////////////////// //ANALYSIS FOR 1ST DATA SETS/// /////////////////////////////// //function to compute statistical mean function average1($data1) { return array_sum($data1)/count($data1); } $dataaverage1 = average1($data1); //function to compute standard deviation function stdev1($data1){ $average1 = average1($data1); foreach ($data1 as $value1) { $variance1[] = pow($value1-$average1,2); } $standarddeviation1 = sqrt((array_sum($variance1))/((count($data1))-1)); return $standarddeviation1; } $datastandarddeviation1 = stdev1($data1); //variance of data set 1 $datavariance1 = $datastandarddeviation1 * $datastandarddeviation1; //number of data for 1st data set $count1 =count($data1); //variance over number of data $sterror1 = $datavariance1/$count1; //////////////////////////////// //ANALYSIS FOR 2nd DATA SETS/// /////////////////////////////// //function to compute statistical mean function average2($data2) { return array_sum($data2)/count($data2); } $dataaverage2 = average2($data2); //function to compute standard deviation function stdev2($data2){ $average2 = average2($data2); foreach ($data2 as $value2) { $variance2[] = pow($value2-$average2,2); } $standarddeviation2 = sqrt((array_sum($variance2))/((count($data2))-1)); return $standarddeviation2; } $datastandarddeviation2 = stdev2($data2); //variance of data set 2 $datavariance2 = $datastandarddeviation2 * $datastandarddeviation2; //number of data for 2nd data set $count2 =count($data2); //variance over number of data $sterror2 = $datavariance2/$count2; //////////////////////////// //COMPUTE STANDARD ERROR/// ////////////////////////// $sumerror=$sterror1+ $sterror2; $standarderror=sqrt($sumerror); /////////////////////////////////// //COMPUTE DIFFERENCE OF TWO MEANS// /////////////////////////////////// $difference=$dataaverage1-$dataaverage2; $meandifference=abs($difference); //////////////////// //COMPUTE T-VALUE/// //////////////////// $tvalue=$meandifference/$standarderror; /////////////////////////////// //COMPUTE DEGREES OF FREEDOM/// /////////////////////////////// $df=$count1 + $count2 -2; /////////////////////////////////////////////// //EXTRACT CRITICAL T VALUE FROM THE DATABASE/// /////////////////////////////////////////////// $df = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($df)); $result = mysql_query("SELECT `critical` FROM `ttest` WHERE `degrees`='$df'") or die(mysql_error()); // store the record of the "example" table into $row $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error()); // Print out the contents of the entry $criticaltvalue = $row['critical']; ////////////////////////////////////////// //COMPARE CRITICAL AND COMPUTED T VALUE/// ////////////////////////////////////////// if ($tvalue > $criticaltvalue) //they are statistical different { echo '

T-Test Results of the Analyzed Samples:

'; echo '
'; echo 'The two data sets are statistical DIFFERENT at 95% confidence level.It says that the two samples are NOT the same.
'; echo 'The computed t-value is: '.$tvalue; echo '
'; echo 'And the critical t-value is: '.$criticaltvalue; echo '
'; echo 'The computed degrees of freedom is: '.$df; echo '
'; echo 'Click here to do another analysis'; } else //they are not statistically different { echo '

T-Test Results of the Analyzed Samples:

'; echo '
'; echo 'The two data sets are NOT statistical different at 95% confidence level.It says that the two samples are the same.
'; echo 'The computed t-value is: '.$tvalue; echo '
'; echo 'And the critical t-value is: '.$criticaltvalue; echo '
'; echo 'The computed degrees of freedom is: '.$df; echo '
'; echo 'Click here to do another analysis'; } echo '

'; echo 'Below is the submitted/analyzed data for your reference'; echo '

'; $display1 = implode("\n
", $data1); $display2 = implode("\n
", $data2); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; } } ?>